
LIBER 2024

Starter: Onsdag 3. juli 2024, kl. 08:00
Avsluttes: Fredag 5. juli 2024, kl. 17:00
Cyprus University of Thecnology

Arrangør: LIBER is Europe’s largest association of research libraries, representing 420+ university, national and research libraries.

LIBER 2024 Annual Conference Theme: ‘State-of-the-art libraries in the service of science and society’.

Research libraries are dynamic entities that evolve rapidly within society, research, and academia, in times when there is an urgency to solve critical global problems. While we often need time to reflect and assess what we have done, we are challenged to respond to the demands of our communities and of global society. What kind of leadership should be exhibited within our organisations and beyond? What kind of synergies should be pursued to address the issues of a ‘post-truth’ world? What purpose do technological advancements bring, and how can we adapt to them?

Promo Video by the Library and Cyprus University of Technology

Limassol, Cyprus

Arrangementets nettside: https://liberconference.eu/