RDA Registry
Siden det norske innholdet på RDA Registry-siden med addressen https://www.rdaregistry.info/ er utdatert, publiserer vi noen av de gjeldende og oppdaterte vokabularene her på bibliotekutvikling.no. Vi startet med de viktigste som skal registreres i marcfelt 336-338: RDA content type (rdaco), RDA media type (rdamt) og RDA carrier type (rdact). Flere vokabularer vil fortløpende bli lagt ut. Dette er de offisielle norske termene.
- RDA Aspect Ratio Designation (rdaar)
- RDA Bibliographic Format (rdabf)
- RDA Broadcast Standard (rdabs)
- RDA Carrier Extent Unit (rdacarx)
- RDA Carrier Type (rdact)
- RDA Cartographic Data Type (rdacdt)
- RDA Colour Content (rdacc)
- RDA Configuration of Playback Channels (rdapc)
- RDA Content Type (rdaco)
- RDA File Type (rdaft)
- RDA Font Size (rdafs)
- RDA Form of Musical Notation (rdafmn)
- RDA Form of Notated Movement (rdafnv)
- RDA Form of Tactile Notation (rdaftn)
- RDA Format of Notated Music (rdafnm)
- RDA Frequency (rdafr)
- RDA Generation (rdagen)
- RDA Groove Pitch of an Analog Cylinder (rdagrp)
- RDA Groove Width of an Analog Disc (rdagw)
- RDA Illustrative Content (rdaill)
- RDA Layout (rdalay)
- RDA Material (rdamat)
- RDA Media Type (rdamt)
- RDA Mode of Issuance (rdami)
- RDA Polarity (rdapo)
- RDA Presentation Format (rdapf)
- RDA Production Method (rdapm)
- RDA Recording Medium (rdarm)
- RDA Reduction Ratio Designation (rdarr)
- RDA Regional Encoding (rdare)
- RDA Scale Designation (rdasca)
- RDA Sound Content (rdasco)
- RDA Special Playback Characteristics (rdaspc)
- RDA Status of Identification (rdasoi)
- RDA Terms (rdaterm)
- RDA Track Configuration (rdatc)
- RDA Type of Recording (rdatr)
- RDA Video Format (rdavf)