The 29th Polar Libraries Colloquy
Arrangør: Norsk polarinstitutt
The Polar Libraries Colloquy provides an international forum through which librarians and others concerned with the collection, preservation, and dissemination of information dealing with the Arctic and Antarctic regions, discuss issues of mutual interest and promote initiatives leading to improved collections and services.
The Colloquy meets biennially at venues by tradition alternating between Europe and North America. It all started in 1971 in Edmonton, before 1990 the title was Northern Libraries Colloquy.
Conference themes:
Sami and indigenous peoples in the north
Polar library, archives and information matters
Polar research data management and open access publishing
Polar ecology, climate and environment management
Polar politics and history
Information on program, registration, call for papers etc. will follow.
Arrangementets nettside: Artic connections- 29th polar libraries colloquy