
Media Literacy and Democracy Education for Societal Resilience

Heldags torsdag 18. september 2025 – fredag 19. september 2025

Arrangør: Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland, the Nordic Council of Ministers, the National Audiovisual Institute in Finland, Finnish National Agency for Education, Nordic Culture Point and Nordic Network of Lifelong Learning

Themes of the conference include:

– Enhancing media literacy and civic competences as a lifelong learning process
– Significance of media literacy and democracy education in paving the way for active participation in the society, to combat disinformation and misinformation and for respectful societal dialogue
– Inclusion is essential for the plurality of public discourse and the development of democracy in our societies. How can this be achieved?
– State of Play in the Nordic Countries: How do our societies support citizens’ media literacy and democracy skills in the digitalized world from childhood throughout the life? Examples of ongoing work and collaboration between different stakeholders in the Nordic region

More information during spring.

The conference will be highlighting the European Year of Digital Citizenship Education by Council of Europe.

Arrangementets nettside: https://okm.fi/tapahtumat/2025-09-18/media-literacy-and-democracy-education-for-societal-resilience