RDA Registry

Siden det norske innholdet på RDA Registry-siden med addressen https://www.rdaregistry.info/ er utdatert, publiserer vi noen av de gjeldende og oppdaterte vokabularene her på bibliotekutvikling.no. Vi startet med de viktigste som skal registreres i marcfelt 336-338: RDA content type (rdaco), RDA media type (rdamt) og RDA carrier type (rdact). Flere vokabularer vil fortløpende bli lagt ut. Dette er de offisielle norske termene.


  1. RDA Aspect Ratio Designation (rdaar)
  2. RDA Bibliographic Format (rdabf)
  3. RDA Broadcast Standard (rdabs)
  4. RDA Carrier Extent Unit (rdacarx)
  5. RDA Carrier Type (rdact)
  6. RDA Cartographic Data Type (rdacdt)
  7. RDA Colour Content (rdacc)
  8. RDA Configuration of Playback Channels (rdapc)
  9. RDA Content Type (rdaco)
  10. RDA File Type (rdaft)
  11. RDA Font Size (rdafs)
  12. RDA Form of Musical Notation (rdafmn)
  13. RDA Form of Notated Movement (rdafnv)
  14. RDA Form of Tactile Notation (rdaftn)
  15. RDA Format of Notated Music (rdafnm)
  16. RDA Frequency (rdafr)
  17. RDA Generation (rdagen)
  18. RDA Groove Pitch of an Analog Cylinder (rdagrp)
  19. RDA Groove Width of an Analog Disc (rdagw)
  20. RDA Illustrative Content (rdaill)
  21. RDA Layout (rdalay)
  22. RDA Material (rdamat)
  23. RDA Media Type (rdamt)
  24. RDA Mode of Issuance (rdami)
  25. RDA Polarity (rdapo)
  26. RDA Presentation Format (rdapf)
  27. RDA Production Method (rdapm)
  28. RDA Recording Medium (rdarm)
  29. RDA Reduction Ratio Designation (rdarr)
  30. RDA Regional Encoding (rdare)
  31. RDA Scale Designation (rdasca)
  32. RDA Sound Content (rdasco)
  33. RDA Special Playback Characteristics (rdaspc)
  34. RDA Status of Identification (rdasoi)
  35. RDA Terms (rdaterm)
  36. RDA Track Configuration (rdatc)
  37. RDA Type of Recording (rdatr)
  38. RDA Video Format (rdavf)